Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to make an upholstered capital

How to make an upholstered capital - at this point a lot of model homes, from minimalist to modern fancy, of course, when you search for home design model sesuakanlah the tastes and needs of your family, all right now on the blog Home Zone Design Guidelines we will discuss about How to make an upholstered capital please read because we have Make a special update for you.

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    How to make an upholstered capital

    The moving van has beenespecially popular in recent years, although in reality it is an upholsterytechnique many years ago that life was used, as now, to provide an aspect ofthe most elegant and sophisticated.

    But perhaps precisely thissophisticated look slow when we use it in decorating for fear of having toohigh a cost to our pockets. Doing it yourself at home.

    If you love crafts and have sparetime, a little skill and patience takes note, what we tell you and renew yourheadboard or your seats with this stylish upholstery.

    The technique is basically stringtension between the fabric soft and firm foundation that supports it thenadding a few buttons that will hide the seams.

    This would be a quick guide stepby step to perform the technique at home:

    1. Extract the base of thefurniture you want to renew, is the basis of an armchair or the headboard ofthe bed completely. Put on a broad area in which you can work easily andremoves it any other fabric or upholstery.

    2. Take a piece of foam to coverthe entire surface and mark on it the key points where the buttons will be sewnby a pattern that also serve to mark points on the wooden base.

    3. Once tagged both sides need todrill holes on the timber to allow passage of the rope through the surface.

    4. Glue the foam on wood base andstaple them around to ensure it is securely and fluffy. Too boring after thepadding as the points marked the beginning.

    5. Place a fine white cloth tohelp sew the holes of the buttons to create the relief: takes the big needletop to pass up the timber and return it to leave after all the ends of thedouble strands loose.

    6. Stretch each wire to make aslip knot and secure them later with a normal node pair.

    7. Take a generous piece offabric end then the time for action must be taken into account the folds. Holdit with staples in the bottom of the cabinet allowing enough fabric for theruffles.

    8. To finish the design youshould just hit the big buttons on the holes to thereby cover the wires and getan impressive result.

    articles about How to make an upholstered capital has finished in the study, we hope you feel satisfied with less of this article and give you infirasi in building your dream home, if you will forgive please share this link make it more useful for many people.