Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill - at this point a lot of model homes, from minimalist to modern fancy, of course, when you search for home design model sesuakanlah the tastes and needs of your family, all right now on the blog Home Zone Design Guidelines we will discuss about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill please read because we have Make a special update for you.

Our grill isn't built-in... It's just the same old grill that we made a custom opening for:

We loooooove being out here now that it's completed & entertaining is so simple.
Here's a pic of the non-custom cushions I found online that drive me CRAZY because in order to fit them I had to turn them sideways showing the seems, but that I am totally good with making do with for now because they are such an improvement to the original cushions...
The table is from West Elm & I can't say enough good things about it... (It's pretty, hoses off nicely, is super-strudy and holds up to the birds!! --- if you know what I mean ;) ;) ..see spot in very front of table.. (I clearly didn't do any cleaning up for these pics- woops!)
The stools & chairs are from Pottery Barn & I'm really happy with them too. The silver chairs are ooold. We made a little cubbie for our firewood on the right which I love because it just adds a little interest & warmth..
Eventually we'll paint the bar the same color as the house but for now, while we try to have a chill summer, it's staying as-is. We also plan on continuing our dwarf holly bushes around this area of the patio too so it looks like it's always been here.
One last before:
And one last after:
We love eating at "Little Liess's Bar & Grill" as the boys have dubbed it!!! ;) ;) Thanks for checking it out!!
And one pic of the littlest Liess, 3 week old Luke:

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
articles about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill has finished in the study, we hope you feel satisfied with less of this article and give you infirasi in building your dream home, if you will forgive please share this link https://happyhourlosangeles.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-new-patio-little-liess-bar-grill.html make it more useful for many people.
Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill
We spend so much of our time outside & love having familly meals & parties out there so this year we decided to do a little work on our patio. Here is is "before" (I can't believe I'm showing you this pic!!).... I think this is from two years ago or maybe three?? (is it sad that the years are starting to blend together??) with the AC unit, some messy gravel& the sawhorse table my husband made (which I loved but just didn't work out because it was so heavy!!! and the wood started rotting eventually.. great for a summer though) I guess it was a couple of years back because it was before we painted the back of our house & shed. Anyway, here it was "before"--
{We got the patio set at Lucketts for a steal but it came with ill-fitting cushions... I immediately replaced them with NEW slightly-less-ill-fitting cushions that will hold us over for a couple of years until we feel like springing for new custom ones.)
We planned to continue the concrete all the way along the back of the house & resurface the old concrete to match the new. I sketched out these plans of the back bar area with slate counters for the contractor:
Our grill isn't built-in... It's just the same old grill that we made a custom opening for:
And here it is now:
We loooooove being out here now that it's completed & entertaining is so simple.
Here's a pic of the non-custom cushions I found online that drive me CRAZY because in order to fit them I had to turn them sideways showing the seems, but that I am totally good with making do with for now because they are such an improvement to the original cushions...
The table is from West Elm & I can't say enough good things about it... (It's pretty, hoses off nicely, is super-strudy and holds up to the birds!! --- if you know what I mean ;) ;) ..see spot in very front of table.. (I clearly didn't do any cleaning up for these pics- woops!)
The stools & chairs are from Pottery Barn & I'm really happy with them too. The silver chairs are ooold. We made a little cubbie for our firewood on the right which I love because it just adds a little interest & warmth..
I can't wait to have some mojitoes with my girls out here:
Eventually we'll paint the bar the same color as the house but for now, while we try to have a chill summer, it's staying as-is. We also plan on continuing our dwarf holly bushes around this area of the patio too so it looks like it's always been here.
One last before:
And one last after:
We love eating at "Little Liess's Bar & Grill" as the boys have dubbed it!!! ;) ;) Thanks for checking it out!!
And one pic of the littlest Liess, 3 week old Luke:
{Like me & the rest of my children, red-eye remover was required.}
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
articles about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill has finished in the study, we hope you feel satisfied with less of this article and give you infirasi in building your dream home, if you will forgive please share this link https://happyhourlosangeles.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-new-patio-little-liess-bar-grill.html make it more useful for many people.