Monday, December 7, 2015

Because I have been given much, I too must give.

Because I have been given much, I too must give. - at this point a lot of model homes, from minimalist to modern fancy, of course, when you search for home design model sesuakanlah the tastes and needs of your family, all right now on the blog Home Zone Design Guidelines we will discuss about Because I have been given much, I too must give. please read because we have Make a special update for you.

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    Because I have been given much, I too must give.

    This Sunday at church I learned that one of the families in our congregation house burned down in May.

    They're all safe and healthy now, which is a huge blessing, but they are still lacking some of the necessities.

    I learned that this wonderful family had been keeping their clothes in laundry baskets for the past 7 months. 

    They don't have dressers. 

    When I was younger, I heard a man- who I deeply respect, say that when he saw a need, he did his best to fulfill it. And that's stuck with me. 

    So when I heard they had a need for furniture, and I knew I had dressers sitting in our garage, it made total sense to me that what I had should go to them. 

    I feel really grateful that these pieces were still available and that they went to such an amazing family. 
    Delivering them last night has put a permeant smile on my face. :) 

    The title of the post comes from one of my favorite hymns.

    Because I have been given much, I too must give. 
    Because of thy great bounty, Lord each day I live. 
    I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see, who has the need of help from me.

    Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care…
     I cannot see another’s lack and I not share-
    my glowing fire, my loaf of bread-my roof’s safe shelter over head, 
    that he too may be comforted.

    Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord, 
    I’ll share thy love again according to thy word. 
    I shall give love to those in need. 
    I’ll show that love by word and deed, thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.

    articles about Because I have been given much, I too must give. has finished in the study, we hope you feel satisfied with less of this article and give you infirasi in building your dream home, if you will forgive please share this link make it more useful for many people.